jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011


by fabiana aliaga and amanda diaz


population : 300 millones
currency: dolar
important date : 4 de julio.

españa :

important date: 12 de junio
population:46 milions
currency: euro


martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

the strange story

Help! Help!
These cries came from a desperate young children who were on the third floor of a four-story building. Surrounded by intense flames and reached, was to demolish the building and firefighters did not arrive yet. These children were called Tom and Paul.
Months before the children were curious to enter the dark and gloomy abandoned building, which were lit inside and off lights that catches their attention. through a bet with other children had to go, or if not, treat it like a chicken and that no child likes.
At that time upon entering the building felt chills and a series of unimaginable horrors, who passed through their minds and bodies as they were highly suggestible.
Suddenly she felt a unique smell, very nasty, children who were on the roof, down to the third floor and behind the stairs appeared a being blue, very blue, which was very small and had very fetid feet and holding a alien who was bigger than boys.
The children tried to flee the building, and in doing so stumbled on a mouse and scared too, because apparently the alien face was pursuing them.
The alien told through the mind: "Please do not say anything, because if not, I was kicked out of the house and I'll live, I'm not bad, if they want to take them to the place where I come from" the children responded "NOW." Then the alien gave them their name: norm, he had led a very fanciful to another place, Paul said that once described a very similar place. Tom was amazed, I just wanted to run and explore different environments. The world was purple, with a strong mix of colors, there will be no corners, just places round and fluffy, at one time thought they were in the clouds.
Norm said that already fulfilled their part, now had to meet the children, but fascinated children said, "okay, but not say anything if you bring us every time we want," Norm accept the deal.
The children stopped going to this fantastic place.
Until one day, the children were sleeping in that place and that night there was a thunderstorm, the children were awakened by the smell of smoke and asked for help through the windows, firefighters did not arrive. But they did go to great place and the building collapsed and was not heard of children. After a few years discovered life on Mars.
Ayuda ayuda!
Estos gritos provenian de unos desesperados niños pequeños que estaban en el tercer piso de un edificio de cuatro pisos . Rodeados por las intensas llamas que ya los alcanzaban, se iba a derrumbar el edificio y aun no llegaban los bombero. Estos niños se llamaban tom y pablo.
Meses antes estos niños tenian curiosidad por entrar al oscuro y sombrio edificio abandonado, lo cual por dentro se prendian y apagaban unas luces que les llamaban la atención. a travez de una apuesta con otros niños tuvieron que entrar, o si no, los tratarian como unos gallinas y a eso a ningun niño le gusta.
En ese momento al entrar al edificio sintieron una serie de escalofrios y horrores inimaginables, que pasaban a travez de sus mentes y cuerpos, ya que estaban muy sugestionados .
De repente se sintio un olor inigualable, muy asqueroso , los niños que estaban en la azotea, bajaron al tercer piso y detrás de la escalera se aparecio un ser azul, muy azul, que era muy pequeño y tenia los pies muy fetidos y sostenia un extraterrestre que era mas grande que los niños.
Los niños trataron de huir del edificio, y al hacerlo, se tropezaron con un raton y se asustaron demasiado, ya que al parecer tenia la cara del extraterrestre que los perseguia.
El extraterrestre les decia a travez de la mente: “porfavor, no digan nada, porque o si no, me echaran de la casa y no tendre donde vivir, no soy malo, si quieren los llevo al lugar donde provgengo” los niños respondieron : “¡YA!” . Entonces el extraterrestre les dio su nombre: norm , él los llevo por un tuvo hacia otro lugar muy fantasioso, pablo dijo que una vez describio un lugar muy parecido. Tom estaba asombrado, lo unico que querian era correr y explorar los diferentes ambientes. El mundo era morado, con una mezclade corores muy fuertes, no existirán las esquinas, solo lugares circulares y esponjosos, en un momento creyeron que estaban en las nubes.
Norm les dijo que el ya cumplio de su parte, ahora tenian que cumplir los niños, pero los niños fascinados dijeron: “esta bien, pero no diremos nada si tu nos traes cada vez que queramos”, Norm acepto el trato.
Los niños no paraban de ir a ese fantástico lugar.
Hasta que un dia, los niños se quedaron a dormir en tal lugary en esa noche, hubo una tormenta electrica, los niños se despertaron por el olor a humo y pidieron ayuda por las ventanas, no llegaban los bomberos. Pero se les ocurrio ir al lugar fantastico y el edificio se derrumbo y no se supo de los niños. Luego de unos años se descubrio vida en Marte.


martes, 3 de mayo de 2011


a) A room, building, or space in which someone may live or stay.
b) I like a my house accommodation

a) Wealthy
b) That man is so affluent

a) Provoke to anger or other strong emotion.
b) This situation arouse me

a)A person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition
.b) I'm bewilder whith this it.


a) Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities
b) You're very arrogant.

a) Force or oblige to do something.
b) The test compel me to study

a) Force to be accepted, done, or complied with.
b) this imposed you to be a best person

a) Merciful or tolerant
b) He is so lenient

a) A person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
b) He is novice in this work

a) done or shown openly
b) this event is a Overt

a)persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
b)coerce you to say the truth

a)acting with or showing care and thought for the future
b)she is very prudent

a)a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings or mistakes of others.
b)he is scapegoat of mi acts

a)excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.
b)she belive in Superstitions

a)a thing added to something else to enhance or complete it.
b)it is a good supplement

a) lack of interest or enthusiasm.
b)she is apathic

a)consternation and distress.
b)Sunday dismay me

a)try hard to do or achieve.
b)I endeavor to achieve the first place


martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Something to talk about

1. Amanda: I went to Papudo
Francisco: I went to Quillón and Algarrobo on my vacations.

2. A: I met my friend Maria José Jaqueih
F: Most recently, I met Joaquin Lavin, although I wasn't that close to him, but it still counts.

3. A: I wanna become an actress.
F: I want to study something related to engineering and maybe music.

4. A: I want to talk better english.
F: I want to learn french and italian.

5. A: Once I almost get lost in a Mall.
F: I got stucked in an elevator in New Year's eve.

6: A: I like to spend time with my cousin.
F: I like to spend time with my friends.

7. A: Ride a "banano".
F: Buying the ticket to Iron Maiden.

8. A: A dog.
F: A dog, too.

9. A: Sleeping or going out.
F: Drawing, listening to music, playing videogames and playing guitar.

10. A: Hawai.
F: England.

11. A: Nick Jonas and Miley Cirus.
F: A lot of people, but mostly David Gilmour.

12. A: My mom.
F: My grandfather.

13. A: Visiting my brother in the USA.
F: Parachuting or bungee jumping.

14. A: Going somewhere without telling anyone.
F: Playing guitar in the subway.

15. A: A friend fell in front of a teacher we were going to interview.
F: Watching humour blogs and funny videos.

16. A: When my aunt died.
F: My favorite singer died.

17. A: I'd buy a monster truck and travell the country.
F: I'd buy a lot of guitars and amplifiers and save the rest of the money .

18. A: I'd ban the animal mistreat.
F: I'd deport the "flaites".

19. A: A dog.
F: A music CD.

20. A: A Jonas or Miley Cyrus CD or tickets.
F: A guitar.

21. A: Making people laugh.
F: Playing guitar and drawing

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

The Fire Alarm

1. Jennifer
2. She's slow.
3. School at Night.
4. Her ear got damaged.
5. The fire alarm went off.
6. Then the night supervisor came by.
7. The officer finally turned off the alarm.
8. Go to check her ear by a doctor.

III. If I were Jennifer I would have ran away as soon as I heard the fire alarm, although I still would liked to see the fire, but I still would get out as soon as I could from there, and I wouldn't just stay in a room with other people waiting for them to pack their hair-care equipment, I won't asfixiate just because of some stuff. Don't they know something called "self-preservation"? Anyway, I would tell them to get out, even if they must left their hair-care stuff. And if I got my ear damaged anyway, I would go to a hospital.